
What Do You Mean We're Not Having A Party?

By Kissyface454 - 9:39 AM

A photo posted by Mommyxo (@mommy_xo) on

For Aiden's 6th birthday we decided to not have a party. Aiden didn't know how to react at first but we definitely made it memorable. Cake was something we HAD to have and WWE is his current obsession so decorating his room was the next genius idea. It's really the little things that gets Aiden excited so just being able to wear his "Birthday Boy" button to school was everything!

The next day we went to another little boy's birthday party and then dinner at Friday's that evening. I wanted the staff to sing happy birthday for him but our waitress said they don't that anymore. I was beyond surprised but Aiden didn't know so he didn't care. The night ended with vanilla ice-cream and chocolate cookies.

On the 24th, we spent the day shopping but completely forgot to record any of it. Aiden had fun and had cake all week.

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  1. Happy Birthday Aiden!I hope you had an awesome day!
